siobhan davies, material/ rearranged/ to/ be, the curve, barbican, winter 2017

Gesture, feeling and intent were explored through simple dance movements in 'Material / Rearranged / To be' at Barbican, The Curve. Exploratory questions arose such as; how can we make connections with each other through dance movements? How easily do feelings and intent become a gesture that can be understood by others - in the form of a wordless conversation? At what point do mental and physical states inform each other? As performers and as spectators can we perceive these states and connectivity?

The main stimulus for the series of live performances was the collection of painting and sculpture by the German art historian Aby Warburg; who had a lifelong passion for examining how the human body has been represented throughout history and the way the human form is captured in the many cultural representations or 'gestures'.

Dancers: Andrea Buckley, Sioban Davies, Glithero (Tim Simpson and Sarah Van Gameren, Helka Kaski, Jeremey Millar, Charlie Morrissey, Efrosini Protopapa, Emma Smith, Mattias Sperling

Photo: Hugo Glendinning
